WEBINAR: Nicola Ulibarri on collaboration and equity


On Tuesday, 17th of July 2024, the PECS working group on collaborative governance and management hosted another webinar: Michael Schoon invited Nicola Ulibarri to talk about ‘Collaborative governance, equity, and time‘:

As collaborative governance has become ubiquitous in environmental management, it can easily take on the aura of a panacea—a governance approach that can address all environmental ills. Taking a pragmatic stance, my work has sought to better understand what we mean by collaboration and what impacts collaboration has (and for whom). This talk will overview my past and in-progress work related to collaboration, with a focus on (1) how collaboration and its impacts change over time and (2) the equity of collaborative approaches.

Dr. Nicola Ulibarri is an associate professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy at the University of California Irvine. She is an interdisciplinary scholar who studies environmental policy and governance, with a focus on redesigning environmental decision-making processes to result in better environmental and social outcomes. Topically, she focuses on water governance, coastal resilience, and climate change adaptation.

You can listen to the recording of the webinar here.

All other past webinars hosted on behalf of the PECS Collaborative Working Group are available here.


Text by Michael Schoon/ Upload by Johanna Hofmann